The Frugal Traveller at the New York Times just ran a feature on Portland’s lunch carts. At about 30 seconds in, you can see me pulling out my wallet and getting a cup of coffee at Brunchbox. I love my town.
Category Archives: news
Stumptown Comics Fest
I’ll be a guest at Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend April 18-19, sitting in Artists Alley at table 104 with my wife Sara Ryan. Looks like they’ve got me scheduled for portfolio duty from 12-12:45 both days. It’s a small room. I should be easy to find. And if you’re going to be at the con, here’s a simple guide to good networking:

Emerald City artbook contribution.
New interview.
There’s a long, nifty interview with me and Sara at the Portland arts blog Circle Into Square, conducted by Hiram Lucke of The Harvey Girls.
Lieber video thrills galore.
I’ll be appearing on Erika Moen’s ustream video broadcast tonight at 7:30 pm PST.
Edit: The archive is up!
Designing a radio that acts like a time machine
Here’s some great thinking about user interfaces and the value of less is more.They found that elderly people were interested in reliving old memories, so-
“We decided to build a radio, that could go back in time. Instead of having a frequency scale, this radio has a time scale. Turn the knob back to the year you would like to get refreshed, and the radio will start playing content from that period. If you only want to listen to specific types of content, there is a knob for selecting that, e.g. news, radio-theater or classical music.” The “news” would be bbc and other archives. From the photos of the mockups, the object looks like a radio with a screen and a few simple knobs.
Whiteout on iFanboy
Great review. We’re the first one in the lineup.
Sara is a winner.
Congrats to the 2008 Oregon Book Award winner, my wife Sara Ryan! Sara won for her second novel The Rules for Hearts. For those of you who only know me through my work, I illustrated Sara’s stories on Me and Edith Head, Flytrap, and Hellboy:Weird Tales. It’s difficult for me to say to say just how immensely proud I am of her. But hey, that shouldn’t stop you! Go visit her blog and tell her!
Photo of Sara having a discussion with a future reader courtesy of Stewart Loving-Gibbard.
Whiteout Poster
I just realized I’ve never posted this. It’s a new poster for the Whiteout movie. This shot was taken by the good folks at who snapped a much, much better picture than I did.
I’m on Morning Edition
NPR’s Neda Ulaby spoke to a bunch of us at Periscope Studio about how we listen to music. Alas, they credit me as the writer of Whiteout instead of the illustrator. Sorry Greg! Anyhow, I woke up to this story and slapped at the clock radio on instinct, then realized I’d cut myself off in mid-sentence.
Article at Comic Book Resources
Brian Cronin discusses my work at Comics Should Be Good.
Comicon schedule.
I’ll be in artists alley at table GG-14 for all five(!) days.
Signing with Greg Rucka and Matthew Southworth at Oni Press 1:30pm.
I’m on a panel on teaching comics at 5:00 PM, room 5, moderated by Douglas Wolk.
Sunday at 10 AM signing at the Hero Initiative book.
The rest of the time, I’ll either be at my table earning money or Stuart Ng’s booth spending it. Hope to see some of you folks there.
And I guess this belongs with Comicon- I was surprised to see I got to deliver the sum-up quote in Kristi Turnquist’s article in The Oregonian on Portland’s place in the ongoing tsunami of wildly successful comics-based movies. I don’t think she’s right about the Whiteout date, though. They’re going to release that, plus the poster and a trailer at Comicon on Friday at the Dark Castle panel.
About the Crime Bible illustrations.
“The faux-engravings were put together with a combination of very old and very new techniques. For the first four, Greg would send me the script and whatever art was completed for the issue, and I’d build a new illustration to match the composition of an important panel, creating an allegory for that issue’s ‘lesson.’ ”
The folks at spoke with me about my illustrations for Greg Rucka’s DC comics miniseries The Crime Bible: Five Lessons of Blood.
The Whiteout movie has a composer.
“Icelandic composer Atli Örvarsson, who recently scored Vantage Point and the upcoming Babylon A.D., adds another action thriller to his quickly growing resume: Whiteout.” Source: Film Music Magazine.
Whiteout date announced?
I have no inside information at all, so I can’t confirm this, but it’s being reported all over the net that the WHITEOUT movie will be hitting theaters on September 19th. The source for the story seems to be Shock ‘Til You Drop. Again, my posting this doesn’t mean it’s official. It’s just something someone wrote on a website.
More Whiteout linkage: This podcast reviews the two graphic novels. (The review starts about half way in.)
And I just uploaded it into the portfolio section of this site, so you can now read the entire first issue here for free.
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